Why Vegetarian Man Became an Omnivore

After creating man, “God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat” (Gen 1:29). The first men were told to eat plants and fruits only. In short, they were to be vegetarians.
But then, after the Flood, God told Noah, “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things” (Gen 9:3). Noah, his family, and their descendants were now allowed to eat flesh. What had led to the drastic change in their diet?

The Earth tilted?
Australian astronomer George Dodwell, studying summer/winter solstice shadow measurements by ancient astronomers, noticed that although shadow lengths were correct in relation to latitude, they were wrong vis-à-vis the alignment of the Earth’s axis with the sun. A change had occurred in the distant past.
                Dodwell saw a correlation in three cases of dating discrepancies – the Temple of Amen-Ra, the North Celestial Pole observations of Greek astronomer Eudoxus, and the Stonehenge. He constructed a mathematical curve and discovered that, around 2345 BC, the Earth wobbled like a spinning top, but gradually stabilized to a new axis with a tilt.

Noah’s Flood
It closely matched the year of Noah’s Flood – 2348 BC -- in the Annals of the World (1658) by Archbishop James Ussher of Armagh, regarded by scholars as the most reliable Biblical chronologer.
In Noah’s Flood, the upsurge of subterranean waters from under tectonic plates, together with massive global rains, brought on an imbalance enough to make the Earth’s axis to tilt. The Bible tells of “all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights” (Gen 7:11b-12).
Author Peter Lorie says: “a massive weight on the planet’s surface would potentially cause a ‘wobble’ in the movement of the natural axis… the Earth would slip into a different axis.” According to National Geographic, when the enormous Three Gorges Dam in China filled with water in 2006, it caused Earth’s axis to tilt by no less than an inch. How much more a global deluge as the one in the time of Noah?

Paradise Earth
                Scripture says and fossils show Earth was once a paradise. If the planet’s axis used to be fully or nearly vertical, warm air from the equator flowed all the way to the poles, while cold polar air blew toward the equatorial zone. Result: a narrow tropical zone, small arctic zones, and broad temperate zones. There were little or no temperature variations worldwide -- no scorching summers and freezing winters. Plants got the same amount of sunlight throughout the year.
Fossilized palm trees have been found in the sub-Arctic region of Canada. Some coal seams discovered in Antarctica contain fossilized plants that do not grow in the polar region – indicating they grew at or near the pole under warmer conditions.

Giant plants and animals
                On primordial earth, mosses were 2-3 feet high; horsetail reeds up to 50 feet. Plants grew to huge sizes. So did animals that ate them. Paleontologists dig up fossils of very large herbivorous animals – hornless rhinoceroses 30 feet long and 18 feet high; 12-foot-tall sloths; birds standing 7-10 feet; gigantic wooly mammoths. The plant-eating dinosaurs, which lasted for millions of years, were the largest creatures on earth. It seems all the nutrients that the first men and animals needed were in the plants that they ate.

Climate change
Climatic variations and seasonal extremes in the world today, such as broiling hot summers and bitterly cold winters, are the result of a 23.5o tilt in the axis of the Earth toward the sun. 
                With the tilting of the earth’s axis, plants were subjected to the stresses of uneven periods of light and darkness, extreme heat and cold, drought and flooding, not to mention destructive strong winds. The plants grew smaller… and, evidently, less nutritious.

A new diet
It appears the nutrients plants had provided early men were no longer available in the usual amounts. It became necessary for men to obtain their complete proteins from animals in the form of meat, milk, eggs.  
God forestalled nutritional deficiencies that would have inevitably led to illnesses, and ultimately death and extinction, by allowing men to eat the flesh of “every moving thing that liveth.”

*(From Ch. 4 “Primordial Planet Puzzles”;  Ch. 6 “First Family Foibles”; and Ch. 8 “Full Circle to Square One” of THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD: A Primer on the Secrets of Heaven and Earth by M.M. Tauson.) 

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Modern Science Proves Genesis Creation Story

Amazingly, recent discoveries in various fields of modern science are proving the veracity of the Scriptures. Let us take the first three verses of the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, Genesis.

Universe had a beginning
“In the beginning…” Most scientists today agree the universe had a beginning – the Big Bang. But, before anything existed, there was only God. “In the beginning God…” Jewish sages called God the Ein Sof, the “Infinite Nothingness,” without any form or dimension of any kind whatsoever.

Space-time created
            “…God created the heaven and the earth.” By “heaven,” the Genesis writer, Moses, probably meant “space.” To make room for empty space, God caused a contraction of His infinite Self. It is known to Jewish mystics as the tzimtzum.
With the creation of space, time began. Without space, there can be no motion, And, without motion, time cannot be perceived. Space and time are linked inseparably, hence the term “space-time continuum.”
The Encarta Encyclopedia points out: “In Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which was introduced in 1916, the very existence of time depends on the presence of space.”
The Jews had a 16th century saying: "HaMakom V'HaZman Echad Hu." ("Space and time, they are one.”)

Mind-made matter
“And the earth was without form and void…” As planet Earth was not yet formed, “earth” here can only mean “matter.” Matter (“earth”) was “void” (nothing). Quantum physicists call the pre-matter phase the “quantum wave function” – the probability of an event taking place. “Probability” needs a mind to consider the likelihood of any event and then see that probability (nothing) turn into reality. So, there obviously was a mind in the beginning. God?
The NASA posits that the universe is the product of “quantum fluctuation” – matter (quarks) and antimatter appearing in a vacuum, then colliding, and vanishing. Somehow, every so many collisions a quark survived. Experimental physicists James Cronin and Val Fitch shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1980 for having demonstrated in 1964 that two in every 1,200 decays of a particle produced a survivor.

Electromagnetic Spirit
“…and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved…” What is spirit?
Eliphaz, in Job 4:15, said, “a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up.” Thus, a spirit is an electromagnetic entity.
The four fundamental forces – electromagnetism, gravitation, strong force, and weak force – all existed from the very beginning. The presence of these forces enabled the first quarks to bond together into protons and neutrons, making way for the formation of the first atoms.

First element: “water”
            “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”  The “waters,” apparently, were hydrogen. The term came from Greek hydro (“water”) and gen (“birth/producer”). The hydrogen atom is the first and most basic element – with just one proton as nucleus and one electron orbiting it.

“Water” into light
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” That was the Big Bang. When four hydrogen atoms fuse into helium, energy is released as a blast of light and heat. The sun generates light and heat from hydrogen through exactly the same process of thermonuclear fusion.

Light into matter
Energy can transform into matter, and vice-versa, according to Albert Einstein’s famous and time-honored equation (E = mc2). Experimental physicists today can turn light (radiant energy) into electron-positron particles (matter) in the laboratory in at least two ways: First, by bombarding heavy atoms with X-rays; and, second, by directing pulses of high-energy laser at electron beams moving at close to the speed of light.
Surprisingly, the Jews in olden times, long before the advent of modern science, knew that matter had come from light: “Mehitabut ha'orot, nithavu hakelim” ("From the condensation of the lights, were the vessels brought into being.") – an old Jewish saying.
*(Condensed from Ch. 1, “Mysteries of Our Maker”, and Ch. 3, “Conundrums of Creation”, of The Deep Things of God: A Primer on the Secrets of Heaven and Earth by M.M.Tauson. Available at Amazon.com) 

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