We believe in the One true God (HaShem), Creator of the universe, the eternal Intelligence with no beginning and no end, outside space and time, without any form, dimension or description whatsoever, Who made heaven (space) and earth (matter) and all things in them.
We believe in His Sacred Names: YHWH, the Tetragrammaton or Four-Lettered Name, Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh (“I AM WHO I AM”), revealed to Moses; YHW, the Three-Lettered Name, YAHU (“I AM HE”), which Adam and Eve. Noah, Abraham, and the other patriarchs before Moses knew and called upon; and YH, the Two-Lettered Name, YAH (“I AM”), the short form of the Tetragrammaton also revealed to Moses.
We believe in the Ruach HaKodesh (“Holy Spirit”) as the manifestation of HaShem in the material universe, pervading and holding together all things in heaven and earth. His role as guide, teacher, comforter, and sanctifier empowers the body of believers.
We believe in HaShem’s Only Begotten Son, haMashiach (the Messiah), Who was conceived by the Ruach HaKodesh and born of the virgin Mary, made flesh indwelt by all the fullness of HaShem bodily, lived a sinless life, was crucified, and on the third day rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of HaShem. We believe in His Name YAHUSHUA, meaning “YAHU saves” or “YAHU is salvation”; and that, as the Lamb of God, His blood has replaced that of sacrificial animals for the atonement of sins.
We believe that the Holy Bible, comprising the Old Testament (Tanakh) and New Testament (Berith Chadashah), is the inerrant and infallible Word of HaShem – given directly to the prophets or inspired by the Ruach HaKodesh in the writers of the Sacred Scriptures.
We believe in baptism (“immersion”) by water and the Spirit, in the name of the Almighty Father YHWH, the Son YAHUSHUA, and the Ruach HaKodesh, as the means to be “born again” and be found deserving to enter the kingdom of heaven.
We believe that our Savior YAHUSHUA will come again to take unto Himself the elect believers, both dead and living, at the First Resurrection and “Rapture”; and that, after one thousand years as King of kings during the “Millennium” of peace on earth, He will judge the rest of mankind who have ever been born and lived at the Second Resurrection.